Projects in Digital Composition

Dr. Quigley | ENGCMP 1130
Fall 2021 | Mondays 6:00-8:30PM


This course requires students to compose original projects in a particular focal area of digital media while exploring the rhetorical, poetic, and political implications of that medium. Where students in ENGCMP 0610 Composing Digital Media typically learn how to compose a range of critical media objects using web-authoring languages, text, sound, images, and video, ENGCMP 1130 Projects in Digital Composition will give students the opportunity to focus closely on a particular theme or category of multimodal composition with the goal of exhibiting and/or publishing their work.

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The details

Theories of writing, composing, design, critique, delivery, remediation, and revision will play a central role in our coursework. In addition to participating in a workshop space, sharing our makings, and learning from the work of others, this course will emphasize the importance of self-guided learning, independent reading, and a critical approach to designing and implementing projects. The course will conclude with a gallery showing, where students will package and present their projects for a general audience.

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Making Futures

If you've been longing to develop a large project and would like to supplement your learning and skills in a studio environment, this is the course for you! Make your work legible by developing a project you can leverage to get your career moving forward. We'll provide the structure, guidance, and feedback to help you achieve your goals.

Course Details


Satisfies DSAS Creative Work General Ed. Requirement; Writing Requirement Course


Pitt Fuego Flame

generated by Pitt Fuego

Why make a spark when you can light a fire?