Embed in nature and learn to code our networked ecology

Get Coding!

Nature studies offer Finnish students time to engage with nature and to learn about their own environmental impact. Finnish schools adopt a transdisciplinary approach to understanding environmental education, which contrasts with the U.S. approaches, where environmental education is almost solely taught during science courses and touched on only briefly through earth science standards. By un-disciplining environmental education, Finnish citizens have some of the most advanced content knowledge as it relates to climate change, and their policies, cultural practices, and aesthetics reflect that knowledge.


Coding Nature

A Multimodal Approach to Unconcealing our Networked Ecology

We've adapted the holistic, nature-centered methods we witnessed in the field to create My Nature Study, a coding template offering students an opportunity to work with tools to construct meaning in their world. Through this project of languaging and communicating their relationship with the natural environment, students will learn essential computer science concepts and learn to read/edit .html and .css documents.

Commune with Nature

Uncover your networked ecology

Use Tools to Construct Knowledge

Examine the individual parts that combine into the whole

Scaffold Multimodal Learning

Play within the constarints and affordances of technology

Inform Environmental Policy

Language and communicate your understandings

My Nature Study

View the Live Demo and then download the files to build your own.

You will also need to download a code editor like brackets.io

Need an easier approach? Try:

My Nature Outing


Follow the Comments Hidden in the .html Code

See the film:
[Un]disciplining Environmental Education

Watch It Now!
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