Writing Infrastructures

GitHub for the Technical Communications Classroom


GitHub is a Git-based version control system, providing individuals and teams a space to develop and manage software and documentation online

image showing GitHub mobile app user interface on ipad and mobile phone. drawing showing representation of a repository with branches and forks showing different individuals' contributions.
git logo, a drawing of a line bifurcation next to the word GIT GitHub Octocat silhouetted by the moon. Lines of code run in the background like a city lit at night
screenshot of GitHub website repository user interface photograph showing the Microsoft headquarters in Seattle. Microsoft purchased GitHub in 2018 for US$7.5 billion

Think: Code Development + Social Networking Features

Carmen Lai's 2016 data visualization shows where the majority of work on GitHub focuses: networking, testing, apps, cloud computing, stats/machine learning, utilities, and scripting

2016 Data visualization by Carmen Lai. https://carmenlai.com/2016/12/13/github-trends.html

Technological innovation presents ongoing challenges to technical communication educators

Sides, C. H. (1994). Quo Vadis, Technical Communication?. Journal of technical writing and communication, 24(1), 1-6.

Opel, Dawn S., & Jacqueline Rhodes. (2018). Beyond student as user: Rhetoric, multimodality, and user-centered design. Computers and Composition, 49, 71-81. DOI: 10.1016/j.compcom.2018.05.008

Case studies: Two upper-level technical communications courses focused on code

Robert Watson in Brewer, P. E., Grady, H., & Watson, R. (2017, July). Diverging currents: Continuous innovation in an engineering-based Technical Communication program. In 2017 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm) (pp. 1-10). IEEE.

Duin, A. H., & Tham, J. C. K. (2019). Cultivating code literacy: Course redesign through advisory board engagement. Communication Design Quarterly Review, 6(3), 44-58.

"What might it look like if many people became literate in this technology or if institutions build on the assumption that many people are literate in it? How might we shape the education for these skills to help them be equally distributed?"

-Vee, Coding Literacy (2017, p.224)

flow chart showing coding literacy components. These include: gaining confidence, participating in discourse communities, development of rhetorical awareness.

Designing meaningful long tail projects requires...

book cover for Ann Gentle's Docs like Code
Graph showing longtail contributions
Screenshot of the GitHub Pitt Tech Comm Workgroup organizational page.

This photograph shows a seal on the floor of the GitHub headquarters. Octocat is emblazoned on the front. Text around the seal reads United Meritocracy of GitHub. The official seal of Octocat.

generated by Pitt Fuego

Why make a spark when you can light a fire?