
Pitt Fuego

A Multimodal Communication Tool

"What might it look like if many people became literate in this technology or if institutions build on the assumption that many people are literate in it? How might we shape the education for these skills to help them be equally distributed?"

-Vee, Coding Literacies (2017, p.224)

Multimodal composing across the curriculum offers the perfect opportunity for our students to start working with code.

GitHub cat logo Electrate Fuego Project Cover...Feet in water
Standard Website Portfolio Design Code

Multimodal Course Web Portfolio Design Person walking up to the Cathedral of learning at University of Pittsburgh

Pitt Fuego : Think : Code + Writing and Communicating


Digital Portfolio

Pitt Fuego provides a low-floor, high-ceiling tool for working with code

Key Components

Pedagogical and Tool Design Goals

areas of research

What's the data say? Working with code in the composition classroom will lead to new possibilities for composing and new pathways for student empowerment.

Independent Study Hero Image... Three students looking professional before the doors of the institution

Designed to support the kinds of work we are already doing with our students.

Canons of Rhetoric

Interested in helping your students and colleagues use code to make cool multimodal documents? Email Stephen Quigley.

Elevator Pitch Generator...image of an elevator

Check out our free and open-source program with a range of tools to support your teaching and learning. And see our FAQ and Classroom Best Practice links at the bottom of the page:


Pitt Fuego Flame

generated by Pitt Fuego

Why make a spark when you can light a fire?